Course of
true love, never did run smooth.
Love is a
heaven which is capable of giving fights, tears and pain like hell.
I love people.
I’ve had fights with every loved one of mine. If not fight, a little mis-
understanding at least. Yes. I feel little mis –understandings are required to
know much about that person. There are
times, when I cannot understand about my own self. Then how can I expect my
little brain to understand others???? Or how can I expect others to understand
me better???
relationship’s strength is not measured with the number of days spent together.
It is measured as how easily you can turn back to normal even after a big
fight. When you do not have a fight, it
doesn’t mean you have understood each others well. Perhaps, with fights you
tend to understand the other person better.
I’ve seen
people getting hurted even with simple words of their loved ones. They
would not have said it seriously. They
would not have meant what they said. The other person also knows this. But
still they feel the hurt. They fight for petty thing and make it a cold war. When
you know the other person well, why does their simple word, which was not even
uttered with an intention to hurt you, should hurt you?? It just shows you have
not understood your friend/ loved ones well. You need to understand them still
I’ve seen
people cannot bear the anger of their loved ones. Most often people are ready
to accept love when poured at them. But not the hurting, not the scolding, not
the words uttered in anger. When you are ready to accept love, be ready to
accept pain too. No love can diminish with a simple fight. No love can be
missed with a simple fight. When you are ready to give up love, just hold down.
Think for a while, doesn’t their love weigh more than their hurting words? Anger
is also an outcome of love. Why do people fail to understand that behind every fight with their loved ones, there lays a hidden love? Fight is the means which they have chosen to express love. Mode chosen may be wrong but reason behind is LOVE. When this is understood, no relationship breaks.
Feel that
hidden love. Cherish those little fights. Find love everywhere. Stay Loved!!