Thursday, 14 February 2013

Happy Valentine's day

The office where I worked earlier is really a lovable place for me because of my friends over there. We had to stretch long hours for work, we had so much pressures to handle sometimes , we were not encouraged for our good work and important is we were not paid for our work … despite all these we enjoyed. We enjoyed the friendship and the bond which we had as a group of  8 to 10 people. We cherished every tea and lunch break. That friendship may be because all the 8 were not a professional yet (so no egos) and all were students. We could easily communicate in our mother tongue… and that is also a reason for that bonding.

We used to tease each others by assigning someone as their love/lover. These teasings continue even till date whenever we meet. Everyone had a person in office with whom they would be paired and teased. We din't leave even the old lady who came to sweep n mop the office floor. But one among our friends had no girl to be paired with him and tease him.We did not bother to get him a pair (for teasing) too.

 He bothered so much. One day he even asked us that he has not been given a pair to tease. That was the time when Vaaranam Ayiram movie was released and Sameera Reddy was the hottest heroine in  industry. He himself came out with a suggestion to tease him with Sameera Reddy. All of us did not know how to cut his nose. At that moment instantly one of my friend gave him a comment(counter).Comment given late would not have this much impact.Her's was instant.

Ha ha ha ha The counter is really a tremendous one. Everyone burst out into wild laughs. Even when typing this post am laughing at her counter. You know what she said?

Idha Vechu Sameera Reddy ya vena Otalam…(which means Sameera Reddy can be teased by pairing you )

She is a quite girl. But she gave such a hilarious comment. We couldn’t control our laughter for an hour. A calm girl could give such a comment. That’s possible only in Friendship. You can act smart , obedient and decent everywhere with everyone… But not with friends.. not when you are among your closed circle. I love my friends in the old office. Those moments chirpily passes through my mind when I am writing this post…
I am still smiling :)

Happy Valentine's day Friends :)

Note: After reading this post don't ask me as who is that Friend. I won't reveal his name.Because I am his "Beeeeaasssst" Friend.

1 comment:

Sowmya said...

Most terrific comment..:-) :-)