Thursday, 22 August 2013

Reason , season and evergreen

There are 3 types of people.

People for a reason, a season and forever.

People for a season:

There are few people whom stay with us for a short span. Perhaps it may even be a day, like a co passenger in train, a person next to you in a long queue. We speak well with them. We share much without even knowing that we are sharing our much with held secrets to them. We realise it after opening up everything to them. The journey would end so soon that we forget to take their phone number or mail ids. And however hard you try, you cannot get in touch with few. They are people for a season. Very few people from this category tend to remind in our memories forever.Though physically they are not with us, the short span of memories we shared with them remains long.

People for a reason :

There are people whom we meet accidentally. In fact, in the first meet we do not get close nor get much intimacy. As days pass by, they become connected to us almost in every phase of life after that. They Aid- and- abet us so much at whatever we do. Suddenly they move away from our life after a point of time.
In few cases, we try hard to hold that person. We put in all the efforts to make them stay in our life. Even after trying so much, phase comes where we ourselves let the person move out of our life. Don’t worry. Even if you hard tried hard, they would have left one day or the other. Don’t Panic. They are people who are for a reason. Life has to go on. You can lament but nothing can be changed. Accept the reality and live the present.

People forever :

Wow! They are the people who do not go out of your life even when you push them out J.They are evergreen. They stay connected to you wherever they are. Even when life has taken you in two varied paths, they stay connected and remain close. Be thankful for such persons. They will be for you always.
I’ve spoken only about positive people. I mean people who made you smile, tease, laugh . Am speaking about people who gave energy , enthusiasm, life , cheer and joy. This category equally applies to the negative people. I do  not want to  think about them nor discuss here. Let’s ignore them.

Today, spend quite some time to think about people-

Whom you have lived with throughout your life     and also about
People who have added life to your living.

Live in the Present. No doubt! But once in a while, recall the past.
Where do memories go when relationship dies?  Search for them.

Write me about this post. How it made you think.
I would love to know them from you.

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