Saturday, 29 June 2019

Saturday Musings

Ssssshh!!!!  The kid is there.  Mind your tongue.

Don’t speak whatever comes to your mind. Your child is watching.  Look at your actions. Your child doesn’t listen to what you speak but notice and repeat what you do. And many many more.
Often a person who is liberal and doesn’t mind what others think about them becomes so very cautious about them after a kid is born. They become responsible not only for their actions but also for kids’.
I am also one among many of so called “world-revolves-around-kid” type mom.  But then, recently when I was travelling in metro to my workplace.  I am sorry to say this, but I overheard the conversation (not intentionally) of group of same type of moms.
They were all going to an occasion organized a common friend who has never bothered to attend any of her other friend’s function. I was wondering as what could be the reason to attend such a person’s family function . So now I intentionally started to overhear their conversation. They all needed a reason to go out together.  They chit chatted about their good old days. Their college, the friends, the teachers and how those teachers dressed up, whom they admired the most etc .
As the conversation continued they all started making fun at each other and started living their good old days . They mentioned that “we cannot speak whatever we speak among friends at home as in laws and children would be watching us”. The moment I heard those words I remembered how I have turned out now. I have forgotten who I used to be and now when I think about me I am always reminded that I am a mother and no other identity.
I miss those good old days. I miss the long chats and calls. I miss being in person to whoever was in need of me. I miss being a listener and comforter. I totally miss being me. 
But this is a phase.
My Kid will eventually learn to dress himself.
And sleep in big bed.
He will potty train
And read and write.
He will make friends
And be independent.
But what he won’t do is be with me forever.
And be a child always.
So every mamma out there …. Enjoy the present. The future will happen, I promise.

1 comment:

Meenakshi said...

Such a nice reflection Shwe. Sailing in the same boat, can very well relate to each point. Read an article similar to the subject reflected here. Will try to find it and share..keep writing and inspiring!