Friday 22 November 2013

Be Yourself !!

Hi Friends,

I have seen people adjusting to get love. Everyone tend to change for their loved ones. Changing for loved ones is not wrong. But do these changes last long?  Well, if it is a from-heart- change out of realization, perhaps the change will last longer. But when the change is to satisfy others would that last long?  When you are forcefully trying to change yourself, will you be happy with that change? Truth is, you pretend to be normal with that change, and when it is boring you go back to yourself.

Many people fail to understand that when you forcefully change yourself and get love, you are not getting that love for ‘whom you actually are instead it is for who you act like’. The love you get is true. But it is not for you. Isn't that better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not?

Accept people as they are. Problem with human mind is –We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are .Don’t try to change them. Each individual is unique. There may be similarities but not alike. Don’t expect people to play someone’s role. They would be best when they play their own roles.

As we all know, Change is the only thing which cannot be changed. Each one of us undergoes change. Change in appearance, in behaviour, in attitude, in character, in level of maturity and everything. The changes should be a natural one. With each phase of life people change, those changes are natural. Those changes are to be cherished.

Don’t force yourself to change for someone. Rather be honest to yourself than to impress someone. People who truly love you will always stay with you. I am blessed that I have people who truly love me and people who accept me as I am.

Life is short. Nothing lasts forever
So live it up, drink it down and laugh it off.
Avoid the bull shit,
Take chances and never have regrets
Because at one point, everything you did was
Exactly what you wanted  J


Archana said...

Very true da :)

Saradha said...

True da :-):-(

Unknown said...

sema!!! :-)

Dosalover said...

A comment which my friend couldn't post here... But i always wanted to see her comment everytime I read this post.. so m posting which she sent me...And ur second post made me feel sema sema sema happyyyy ,! It ws something I alws think ,! But the fact is even if I had told it wud not have been as best as lik urs ,! What a command in ur way of conveying things , hmmm very much communicatin n u knw wat , yu have almost exhausted the feel in communicating abt tat topic , oh my god shweeee I'm sema sema Sema Happy da :-) :-)

Unknown said...

Good one shwetha:):) But i feel it is better to tell on the face about something which we don't like with the other but still willing to compromise/change themselves just for that person THAN saying nothing and accepting as they are.

It will be a chance for the other to realise & rectify themselves, if they are genuinely at fault/mistake.